Basic licenses
You can find out what you need to take into consideration for each basic license here.
WWS Basic Catamaran License
The WWS schools are training centres for water sports recognised in the WWS & WWC e.V. association.
As members of the Association, the schools train students in windsurfing, sailing, water skiing and other water sports according to uniform guidelines. The courses offered by the WWS schools range from beginners and advanced courses to special techniques.
They are divided into courses for children, adolescents and adults, depending on physical constitution, fitness and proficiency.
The internationally recognized WWS Basic Catamaran License serves as proof of proficiency and is helpful when renting catamarans. Numerous water sports centres in Germany and abroad require a basic license.
The practical training aims to provide the skills needed to sail safely and return to the starting point.
The examination
The exam for obtaining the international WWS Basic Catamaran License includes a practical exam and a theory exam.
Students have the option of already taking parts of the practical exam during the course.
Theory examination
The questionnaire relates to the areas of materials studies, general legal studies, theory of sailing, safety, nature and the environment and knots. If the score is at the lower end of the score range, the student can take an oral exam with comparable questions.
The exam can be repeated.
Practical examination
The components of the practical exam comprise steering and sailing different courses with the correct sail position, as well as mooring and casting off, setting sail and rescue, plus stopping by coiling and heaving to, knots, cruising, speed control, capsizing and righting and tacking (coming about)/gybing.
Students have passed the practical exam if they are able to perform the required manoeuvres and exercises safely.
They must return to the starting point independently at the end of the practical exam.
MMS-Certificate of Proficiency
The WWS-Catamaranpass (Certificate) can be purchased at the end of the course, directly from the School. This is regarded as confirmation and proof of achievement for the course carried out. Students can additionally order the waterproof CATAMARANCARD directly from the WWS-Association in germany on presentation of the WWS Certificate of Proficiency.
The Card’s credit card format makes it ideally suited for use to rent Catamaran devices in an aquatic environment.
WWS Basic Kitesurfing License:
The WWS schools are recognised training centres for water sports in the WWS & WWC e.V. association.
As members of the Association, the schools train students in windsurfing, sailing, water skiing and other water sports according to uniform guidelines. The courses offered by the WWS schools range from beginners and advanced courses to special techniques.
They are divided into courses for children, adolescents and adults, depending on physical constitution, fitness and proficiency.
How can I learn and who can teach me?
How can I learn and who can teach me? The “learning by doing” approach is not well suited for learning to kitesurf safely and correctly. It is a fantastic sport, but must be practiced carefully and deliberately, as otherwise, it may become very dangerous for you, as well as others. If you have taken a basic course at a kitesurfing school recognized by the WWS and follow the safety rules, you have created the optimal conditions for a successful kitesurfing career.
It is not advisable to learn kitesurfing from friends, as they may be very good at kitesurfing, but are usually not experienced in dealing with a learning situation. Not only that, many important topics are often forgotten.
You can only reliably obtain professional and safe training from a qualified kitesurfing instructor. As an added benefit, the Kitesurfing Pass furnishes you with proof that you are a proficient kitesurfer, which is important at many schools when renting equipment.
Nowadays, kitesurfers are only allowed on the water in many places if they can furnish proof of a basic kitesurfing course.
Requirements for learning how to kitesurf:
It is not advisable to attempt kitesurfing without meeting the physical requirements.
- Good physical fitness
- Adequate muscle strength
- Good supporting muscles and deep muscles
- Good endurance
- Good athlete
- Good cardiovascular system
- Good swimmer/no fear of water
- Good orientation and reaction skills
- Good mental fitness
- Good concentration skills
- Not fearful
- Healthy respect for dangerous situations
- Responsible and disciplined behaviour
Safety comes first!
Teaching strategies specifically tailored to these have been developed in addition to the necessary safety guidelines. The instructor training places high demands on the prospective instructors in order to ensure a high level of competence.
Kitesurfing Certificate/Pass
The Kitesurfing Certificate issued by the WWS-School is recognised as an international Certificate of Proficiency in kitesurfing. This license requires training that is much more extensive and of a much longer duration compared to the common basic licenses used in windsurfing or sailing. Depending on learning progress, the student will need at least two days per step, including the corresponding practice on their own between the steps. After that the Kitesurfing-Student can order the kitesurf-Card at the WWS-office in germany presenting a copy of the Kitesurfing-certificate.
The document guarantees that all holders of this document have the necessary fundamental knowledge and skills. Furthermore, it warrants that they can carry out their sport carefully and in a manner that is safe and compatible with nature while respecting the interests of other water sports enthusiasts.
Training in four steps:
The course for the International Kite Pass is divided into 4 steps.
Each step has a theory part and a practical part.
At the end of each step, the students demonstrates their practical proficiency in a small exam.
Of course, we have suitable teaching materials available for learning the required theory.
Four practical exams and one theory exam are required for the entire Kitesurfing Pass.
Parts of the practical exam can be taken during the course.
Step I
The following skills should be demonstrated at 1 - 3 on the Beaufort scale: setting up, launching, landing and steering the kite; theory.
Step II
The following skills should be demonstrated at 2 - 4 Beaufort: flight exercises, relaunching from the water, body drag.
Step III
Launching from the water, riding, holding altitude, changing direction, collision avoidance at 3 - 5 Beaufort.
Step IV
Special knowledge and emergency situations.
WWS Basic Sailing Certificate:
The WWS schools are recognised training centres for water sports in the WWS & WWC e.V. association.
As members of the Association, the schools train students in windsurfing, sailing, water skiing and other water sports according to uniform guidelines. The courses offered by the WWS schools range from beginners and advanced courses all the way to special techniques.
They are divided into courses for children, adolescents and adults, depending on physical constitution, fitness and proficiency.
The internationally recognized WWS Basic Sailing Certificate serves as proof of qualification and is helpful when renting sailing boats. A basic license is mandatory at many water sports centres in Germany and abroad.
The practical training aims to provide the skills needed to sail safely and return to the starting point.
The examination:
The exam for the acquisition of the international WWS Basic Sailing Certificate includes a practical exam and a theory exam.
Students have the option of taking parts of the practical exam during the Course.
Theory examination
The theory exam comprises a questionnaire. The questionnaire relates to the areas of materials studies, general legal studies, theory of sailing, safety, nature and the environment and knots. If the score is at the lower end of the score range, the student can take an oral exam with comparable questions.
The exam can be repeated.
Practical examination
The components of the practical exam comprise steering and sailing different courses with the correct sail position, as well as mooring and casting off, setting sail and rescue, plus stopping by coiling and heaving to, knots, cruising, speed control, capsizing and righting and tacking (coming about)/gybing.
Students have passed the practical exam if they are able to perform the required manoeuvres and exercises safely.
Students must return to the starting point independently at the end of the practical exam.
MMS Certificate of Proficiency
The WWS SAILPASS can be purchased at the end of the course.
This serves as confirmation and proof of achievement for the course carried out. Students can additionally order the waterproof SAILCARD from the Association on presentation of the WWS Certificate of Proficiency.
The Card’s credit card format makes it ideally suited for use in an aquatic environment.
SUPing/stand up paddling/paddleboarding
WWS Stand up paddling License
The WWS schools are recognised training centres for water sports in the WWS & WWC e.V. association.
As members of the Association, the schools train students in Windsurfing, Sailing, Stand Up Paddling and other water sports according to uniform guidelines. The courses offered by the WWS schools range from beginners and advanced courses all the way to special techniques.
They are divided into courses for children, adolescents and adults, depending on physical constitution, fitness and proficiency.
In the USA, SUPing/stand up paddling/paddleboarding has been the fastest growing water sport of all time for years. In Germany, as well, we have experienced a real boom. And it’s no wonder when considering that stand up paddling can be learned very quickly with the right instruction and is very versatile and unbelievably fun! Barely any other sport lets you get to sights and places by your own muscle power that would otherwise seem inaccessible - and without harming nature or the environment.
Similar to canoeing, only a paddle is used for propulsion. The difference, though, is that the paddler stands upright and biomechanically pulls his hip and the board past the paddle. This gives you the feeling of walking over the water - a fantastic nature experience.
At the same time, stand up paddling trains strength, endurance, coordination, balance and concentration - a very good full body workout and the perfect fun sport for the whole family! You can even do yoga on an SUP board.
The examination
The exam for the international WWS Basic SUP License comprises a practical exam and a theory exam.
Students have the option of taking parts of the practical exam during the course.
MMS Certificate of Proficiency:
The WWS SUPPASS can be purchased at the end of the course.
This serves as confirmation and proof of achievement for the course carried out. Students can additionally order the waterproof SUPCARD from the Association on presentation of the WWS Certificate of Proficiency.
The Card’s credit card format makes it ideally suited for use in an aquatic environment.
WWS Basic Windsurfing License:
The WWS schools are recognised training centres for water sports in the WWS & WWC e.V. association.
As members of the Association, the schools train students in windsurfing, sailing, water skiing and other water sports according to uniform guidelines. The courses offered by the WWS schools range from beginners and advanced courses all the way to special techniques.
They are divided into courses for children, adolescents and adults, depending on physical constitution, fitness and proficiency.
The internationally recognized WWS Basic Certificate serves as proof of qualification and is helpful when renting windsurfing equipment. A basic license is mandatory at many water sports centres in Germany and abroad.
The practical training aims to provide the skills needed to windsurf safely and return to the starting point.
The examination:
The exam for the international WWS Basic Windsurfing License includes a theory exam and a practical exam.
Students have the option of taking parts of the practical exam during the course.
Theory examination:
The theory exam comprises a questionnaire. The questionnaire relates to the areas of materials studies, general legal studies, theory of sailing, safety, nature and the environment and knots. If the score is at the lower end of the score range, the student can take an oral exam with comparable questions.
The exam can be repeated.
Practical examination
Practical examination: The components of the practical exam comprise steering and sailing different courses with the correct sail position, as well as mooring and casting off, setting sail and rescue, plus stopping by coiling and heaving to, knots, cruising, speed control, capsizing and righting and tacking (coming about)/gybing.
Students have passed the practical exam if they are able to perform the required manoeuvres and exercises safely.
The student must return to the starting point independently at the end of the practical exam.
MMS certificate of Proficiency:
The WWS-Windsurf-Certificate/Pass can be purchased at the end of the course directly from the School.
This serves as a confirmation and proof of achievement for the course carried out.
The Windsurf student can order additionally after receiving the Windsurf-certificate, the waterproof Windsurf-Card from the WWS-Watersport Association in Germany on presentation of the WWS Certificate of Proficiency.
The Card’s credit card format makes it ideally suited for use to rent Windsurfing devices in an aquatic environment.
Plastic Card
The waterproof Plastic Card can be ordered from WWS-WWC e.V. in addition to the corresponding training certificate with your photo and training status.
It certifies the necessary expertise for catamaran sailing, kitesurfing, windsurfing and dinghy sailing. The Card’s credit card format makes it ideally suited for use in an aquatic environment.
Plastic Card
- Certifies completion of the respective basic course
- Waterproof photo ID in a cheque card Format
- Internationally recognized card
- Helpful when renting kite or windsurfing equipment or sailboats
- Mandatory on some Waters